Saturday, December 10, 2016

Don't Let Comparison Steal Your Joy

“What do I always tell you?” I gently encouraged one of my students, “All that I expect of you is YOUR best. Not someone else’s best. I want you to do the best that you can do; that’s all I ask. You know that. Did you work hard?” The seven-year-old in front of me hastily tried to blink back the tears that threatened to spill over. “Y-y-es”, she stammered. I smiled at her, trying to meet her downcast eyes, “Then is that all that matters?” Slowly, she nodded. “Okay,” I finished briskly, “Where do we put our things when they’re done?” My student quickly responded, “In the ‘turn-it-in’ bin.” I nodded, and then added, “I can’t wait to read everything that you’ve written! Nice work.” Knowing then that our short conference was over, my second-grader turned and made her way over to the lime green basket that has served as our “Turn-it-in Bin” for the past year or so.

I wish I could say this sort of scene was not a regular one, but I often encounter my students in such a state after various assignments or projects. Sometimes, it is pure frustration at how difficult the subject matter is, but many other times, it is frustration because they think that their work isn’t as good as so-and-so’s. I also wish I could say that this sort of scene isn’t replayed again at adult levels, but unfortunately, it is. In fact, how many of us, as we read this, think of a circumstance in our own lives where we have felt similarly to this young seven-year-old? Admit it—we too, as adults, have situations where we feel our best isn’t enough. It isn’t as good as someone else’s, and therefore, it isn’t worth showing anyone. Well, if I thought that way about my writing, you wouldn’t even be reading this. I am perfectly aware of the fact that I am not even close to the level of great authors, or even good ones, but that doesn’t stop me. If I just gave up because I’m not the best, and because there are others better than me, then the world would be deprived of my talents and the good gifts that I have been given. The same goes for others.

The lesson I am trying to instill in my young students is that, if they spend their time comparing their work with others and lamenting its deficiencies, then they will miss out on being able to be proud of what they have accomplished. They’ll miss out on the essential feeling of accomplishment, that which encourages us to keep working, to keep striving, to go further than we have before. In an article published by The Utopian Life a couple of years ago, both dopamine and serotonin, essential for health, positive outlook, and well-being are released when someone achieves a goal, feels a sense of accomplishment, or reflects with thankfulness on a past accomplishment or goal that they have achieved. Without these chemicals being released in our brains, humans become lonely, depressed, and can lose joy and hope in our lives. Therefore, it is imperative that students at a young age can feel a sense of pride and accomplishment in their work. Not only will this set a healthy foundation for further growth and brain development, but it will also start to establish positive patterns in goal-setting and achieving.

Comparison steals joy. I see this starting at a very young age in my students, and I also see it threaten to steal my own joy as an adult. I see it crush dreams, destroy relationships, and ruin quality of life. Now, I’m not saying that we all need “participation” medals and all need to feel special for everything. I’m saying that when we work hard, achieve a goal, and do our best, that IS noteworthy and is something to be celebrated. If we don’t, we fall prey to comparing ourselves to others, feeling depressed because we “can’t do anything that’s good”, and in the end will be far less productive and encouraging individuals. So, next time you find yourself comparing, stop. Instead, turn your mind to what you have done that you are proud of. And learn, in humility, to acknowledge excellence in others’ work. Don’t be afraid to admit that your passions or talents don’t lie in the same areas as another person. That’s good. God made us all different for a reason. But also don’t be afraid to feel accomplished and proud of the hard work you’ve done that has led to excellence and positive results. Allow that dopamine release. Relish in it. Then set some more goals and keep charging on.

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